Monique van Eijndhoven


Laboratory Manager, Exosomes Research Group with Dr. Michiel Pegtel's Laboratory

Department of Pathology, Cancer Center Amsterdam, UMC Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Monique van Eijndhoven obtained a bachelor’s degree in Microbiology at Fontys Hogeschool Eindhoven. For 6 years she worked at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam, where she was involved in unraveling the working mechanisms of chemotherapeutics and the role of multidrug transporters on drug resistance. Since 2007 she works as a head technician and lab manager in the Exosomes Research Group of Dr. Michiel Pegtel, department of Pathology, Cancer Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC in Amsterdam. She currently focuses on the development of novel small RNA detection techniques, e.g. a sensitive and accurate sequencing method optimized for biomarker discovery in low input plasma extracellular vesicles.